How do you get more people to take mass transit?
Advertise? Enact laws? Lower prices?
As I tried to keep up with a commuter train today, I determined to take the commuter train if it could get me to my destination twice as fast as my car.
I could be persuaded to take the train if my outcome (early arrival, speed) was built-in.
Same goes for money. Don't make prosperity difficult.
Build abundance into your lifestyle. Make it easy for you and your family to win financially.
Want children to save? Buy them coin collection kits/open bank accounts. Match the money they save.
Want children to spend less? Get rid of commercial TV (Roku anyone?). Buy or borrow their favorite books.
Want more time together as a family? Invest in more family gadgets such as trampolines, board games, ping pong, Foosball and books.
Most people aren't bad, they just need good systems.
Make change easy. Embed greatness into simple systems.
(Image courtesy Wikipedia)
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