On Monday I hiked The Subway at Zion's National Park with family.
The ten hour long epic journey through hot climbs and icy-cold descents provided ample time to reflect on the purpose of Cairns.
Cairns are man-made piles of stone used to mark trails. When hikers/bikers see a Cairn they know they are headed in the right direction.
We noticed several Cairns when we searched for them.
We also had a live "Cairn": our guide, my brother-in-law.
In money matters there are Cairns which when followed mark the pathway to prosperity.
Cairns for financial peace include mentors who are rich in relationships and wise with money.
Other Cairns are excellent income, multiple sources of income, advancing education & knowledge, diminishing debt, and patience.
Cairns pointing to financial peace are everywhere. We just need to look for them....and follow them.
(Photo courtesy Wikipedia)
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