What would your life be like without any creditors? No phone calls requesting money. No bills in your mail box/in-box? No mortgagees? No car payments. No financed furniture. No medical bills. What experiences would you have with your family if you owed no one?
If you were free of debt what would you do for income? Would you pursue any lost dreams?
My wife and I had a landlord who held a Christmas party each year for her tenants. She provided chocolates to each family. This was in addition to providing affordable rent for over a dozen low-income families. Because she was debt free, she chose to help others with her means.
Freedom to customize your life. Freedom from harassment. Freedom to spend time on fun. Freedom to stand tall. Freedom to lift others higher. Freedom to buy. Freedom not to buy.
No collectors, no debtors. Freedom through maximizing every known extant resource is the goal.
(Photo courtesy MichaelMarcol)
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