False dichotomies in marriage abound.
Either your spouse is right or you are.
There's a right way to parent and a wrong way.
Either you fall in love or you don't.
You're getting better or getting worse.
How about loving unity and interdependent solutions involving conjunctions?
You're both right. Each difficulty has multiple solutuions which are found through loving, varied, interdependent prospectives.
There's good, better and best ways (plural) to parent.
Falling in love is based on attraction and is a good start. And staying and growing in love is based on helping and giving to your spouse.
Marriage involves hours/days/weeks/years of progressing and failing. Sometimes the up is down and the down is up. It's not all down or up.
Bo Jackson thought he didn't need to choose baseball or football. He chose both. He saw the genius of and not the tyranny of or.*
And is the word that best describes a solitionust mentality. Conjunctions are the tools of companions who work together, interdependent people who collaborate for unprecedented results.
Or is the word for defeatists and independents, soloists who have melody but no harmonic symphony.
Maybe some good conjunction questions.
How we can raise intelligent children AND help them be independent?
How can we have family fun AND have a clean house?
How can earn alot of money AND help many people?
How can we accept each other AND expect better from ourselves?
Listen to the podcast at https://anchor.fm/thriving-twogether/episodes/Bo-Knew-The-Symphony-ecsn1d
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(*See Good To Great by James Collins)
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